Monday, April 25, 2011

34/35 weeks

Imagine late posting. Seems to be a usual thing for me. Time has not been my friend lately!
today I am 34.6 weeks.
I had an appt 1 week ago when I was 33.6 weeks. I had a little bit of a weight gain, but I know that is was water weight. I can't stay hydrated like I should while im working so when I am home I drink drink drink which at first makes me retain for a couple days then my bladder lets loose and voila! I lose it all. So I was up a few pounds of water. I think I am a total of 3 pounds in the last month. Not bad for me! quite impressed if I say so myself. I think I am mostly gaining in my belly now anyway. Nothing is getting tighter or fitting different aside from my shirts getting too short. Plus my belly is obviously bigger.
I am measuring just over a week ahead. Got lots of water in there yet again. I knew it would be any time that I would sprout ahead of my time.
I was thinking, it was a little over a week ago I was soooo hungry. For a few days I could not get enough to eat so im sure mama and babe went on a little growth spurt. Then sure enough at my appt we were bigger :) Good to know the babe is thriving.
My BP was high again. it was 120/70. Pretty concerning since that is high for me. I was having dizzy spells all day again. I continue having the spells minus the ringing in my ears. I had it for 3 days straight. Im fortunate that I can still walk/talk etc.. through them, it just doesnt make daily life very pleasant.
My next appt is on May 3rd. Day before the big 2.6. cant believe im closer to 30 instead of 20 lol.
i seem to still get flack from people because of how young I am with the amount of children I have. People just don't understand big families and instead of asking legitimate questions they find it easier to pass judgement right to my face. F them! Im so tired of it. My kids have every essential they need to thrive and that is all that should matter. Nobody *needs* the best of everything. Nobody *needs* high end anything. Drives me insane when people pass judgement because we dont give them every single thing THEY think a child needs. Its all materialistic BS.

I havent ordered my birth kit yet :x
Ive got my shopping cart prepped, providing it saved when I closed out. Havent checked that yet. Nonetheless, I have everything written down what I need. I took some things out of the list my MW provided just because ive been through this a few times so I know what things we use and what we don't. It is a perfect list for the first time homebirth mama though. You just never know. I will probably order it this week some time so when I do have my next appt I can at least say I ordered it. Already got mildly harassed for not having it lol. I know im not going this early and they ship fast.
If it doesnt make it in time, well then, we improvise. How fun!
The weather is starting to get nice, aside from all the rain. So I am hoping by the time I do go in to labor we will have some sun shining. I need to figure out what I am going to labor in. I was thinking maybe some kind of longer sun dress, yet if you know me...the only dress ive ever worn in my adult life is a wedding dress. and with as big as my body is now, ehhh
So now im thinking just my comfy pants and I will get a tank top or something. I hate the idea of pants in case my water breaks while im still in labor and not ready to go into the pool. It hasnt happened in my past ones but never know.

enough rambling I think.
Here was a picture I took last week

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

OH! my new goodie

I forgot to post...imagine that. My brain doesnt work at all anymore. :) I got a new diaper bag!! well new to me. It is used but in perfect condition. Super excited! it was a big splurge but sooooo worth it. yet I am nervous to use it cause I dont want to ruin it lol Its a JuJuBe Prepared in the purple paisley print. Its even more gorgeous IRL. YAY!!!!

32 weeks

As of yesterday I was 32 weeks. CRAZY! I cant believe I only have 8 weeks until I am due. Malikai was my earliest at 38.2 weeks only because he was induced so he technically wasnt "ready". Tiler came on her own at 39 weeks. So I could go in 7 weeks. Im not ready. Its really sinking in that I will have 5 kids sometime within the next handful of weeks and its scaring the crap out of me. Im having hormonal days here and there. I wake up in a pissy mood and nothing anyone does makes it better. I feel mad and annoyed at the world. Still having those dizzy spells/ringing in ears every once and a while. Thankfully they have become less and less but still doesnt make things easier. Water retention seems to be my friend the last couple of weeks. Yay me. I can easily gain about 5 lbs by the end of the day from retention. Makes working so much fun. Walking is starting to become very painful. Yesterday was my worse day. I was crampy, painful braxton hicks that would stop me in my tracks several times. my back is on fire. naturally it all hits me when I am working. Maybe because I have to be on my feet and really active? I dont know but I didnt think I was going to truly make it through my work day yesterday. It was kind of scary. It has been weighing on my mind alot with the idea of having this baby early because of the physical stress of working has put on my body. Because when I am home on my days off I rarely have any issues. Even though I am miserable I would love nothing more than to make it to my due date so I know the babe is going to be truly ready. I knew things would be different this time around since ive never worked while pregnant. We'll see. like I said above, its really starting to sink in. My midwife requested that I start getting my birth kit ready. Now when that comes up in conversation is really when things get real. I still havent bought anything yet. Im waiting on more of a detailed list. I dont want to purchase her "premade" kit because I can get things cheaper and there is things that I know we didnt use for the last 3 births that I dont want to buy this time around. Its funny, it always happens when I am working. People will walk up to me and tell me the gender I am having. They say that it looks like I am carrying this gender or that gender. Ever since I was pregnant with Tiler, I have carried my babies the same way. Straight out. My midwife said it was due to the size of Tiler, she just stretched out my abdominal muscle that is suppose to "hold" the baby the correct way. Hence why when I am in labor I need to bind my stomach so the baby can move into position the correct way. I just choose to ignore the people and let them think what they want. Not like it will be "secret" for much longer. Completely forgot to post a couple weeks ago. We got a new vehicle! One that will fit ALL the kids in. So excited. Its an Excursion. Needs a couple minor repairs that are going to be fixed hopefully this week. Its not repairs that are keeping us from driving it so its not too bad. Its really big and definitely is going to take alot to get used to. I am not one that likes to cause attention to myself, especially in a vehicle and this kind of does it. But whatever. I will get over it. At least I can have my whole family in 1 vehicle when we need to go somewhere. And the kids are super excited to ride in it when they do :) And last but not least...heres the babe...