Wednesday, January 26, 2011

22 Weeks

6 months here I come! according to this site, which I love:, week 22 is the start of the 6th month. It doesnt seem possible that anywhere from 16-18 weeks I will have another baby. well could possibly go up to 20 weeks but lets not even go there. Baby is moving alot. always really low still. I havent really paid attention to his/hers sleep patterns yet. All the others were night owls which made it very difficult to sleep at night and sure enough all of them were born at night. My back is really starting to hurt me. Its locked up a couple times on me which hurts SO bad. Ive had alot of problems with my sciatic nerve, mostly just on my right side. Makes it interesting to work. I am resorting to having to roll out of bed now, my stomach muscles are officially gone. Well its not even to get out of bed, even to get off my couch is an ordeal. I havent had to work for the last 3 days and I still have 2 more days off. I feel like such a slob. I havent even gotten out of my pajamas. Well I did leave the house yesterday for a couple hours...with all the myself. by the time I got home I was beat! Im even going to bed early. It feels great! With daddy working 3rd shift this week he has done the school routine. Between that and me getting some sleep I feel so relieved. My body needed this rest. Although I do feel lazy. At least the house is semi clean hehe I have been cutting wayyyyyy back on sugary stuff. not that I ate alot of it but I was splurging here and there. Anyway, my nasty feelings I have been having with being faint and hot flashes. Those have really subsided. When I do eat something "off limits" I can feel myself start feeling bad. Ive been eating toast w/peanut butter with a glass of milk for breakfast and that makes me feel really good. Didnt think Cheerios was all that bad, but I guess my body likes toast better.

Last but not least, here is a pic for this week

Friday, January 21, 2011

Prenatel Appt

I had an appt with my midwife yesterday.
I am up another 14lbs which makes it a total of 49lbs. So depressing.
the babes heartbeat was 155. Blood pressure is good. I am not positive as to what I am measuring. this was the first time she measured me. She did say that she thinks I might have fibroids cause as she was trying to feel the location of my uterus she said that my right side felt higher than my left and she could feel something odd. I have noticed it too when I have felt my stomach, that its lopsided.
She said we could get an ultrasound to definitely determine but then it was dropped. So I guess we will wait and see what its like at the next appt. if anything she will have to give me a shot of pitocin after I give birth to help control the bleeding. I guess with fibroids you can easily hemorrage post delivery and we definitely dont want that.
My next appt is in 5 weeks

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

21 weeks

21 weeks! Last week of month 5. In a forum that I visit there are ladies on there that are just finding out and are due in September! Physically I am ready, granted I am only 21 wks but im ready. Emotionally, not so much. Im a wreck. My patience is being tested by the kids I already have. I know its heightened because I am pregnant but that doesnt make me feel any better.

Been going through a really rough time lately, well the last couple months. Im worn down. I am so tired and I cant get a grip on it. Im so overwhelmed. I get no breaks. I get no time to myself. Some say going to work is my break, but I am still doing crap for other people. I hate working. I know it wouldnt be so bad if I wasnt pregnant. I have went through so many changes these last 5 1/2 months its no wonder I feel the way I feel. yet my feelings are never justified in others eyes.
Some mamas I asked told me that I could take Fish Oil supplements to help improve my moods so I asked my midwife about it and she agreed. Now its just a matter of getting to the local health food store (to get a "good" kind) is next to impossible. I don't have time. I dont have the want to drag Jamison out across town, then that would mean I would have to skip lunch. I definitely cant drag all the kids out after school. we have such a strict routine because so much has to be squeezed in every day. So do I just get a "crappy" kind and hopes that does enough, or do I just deal with how I am feeling in hopes I don't feel worse?
Its just embarrassing. I keep a smile on my face because im the "put together" mommy that can do anything. I cant possibly be feeling bad or overwhelmed. Pity party of one I guess.
I feel bad because im not being the mommy my kids need right now. im always on edge and they dont deserve that. ::sigh::

Something I am getting really sick of and its happening on a daily basis. People ask me when im due... I say end of May... Oh you have a ways to go yet... Yeah I do.... Is this your first?, I have other kids.... Oh, really, how many?.... I have 4... OMG REALLY? then they will go on and say I am crazy..better you than me.. I couldnt imagine.. Bless your heart..I hope my kids dont have that many, I would tell them to get that fixed before hand. Its getting old. What is so wrong with having a "bigger" family?? I guess this generation is so big on just having 1 or maybe 2 kids and that is THEIR perfect family. Well thats not my perfect family. My kids might drive me crazy on a good day and things are VERY hectic, but I would not change anything. I just wish people would keep their comments to themselves. I don't know how much longer I will keep a smile on my face and shrug it off when people blatantly disrespect me and my family

On another note, here is the new picture

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Feeling movement...

Daddy got to feel your little kicks for the first time last night <3
First time we tried, little stinker stopped kicking until I put my hand back on my belly then quickly replaced it with daddys and he got to feel it, finally
20.1 wks :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

20 weeks!!!!

Half way point!!! I can't believe I am *only* half way. seems like this has been taking forever! I feel like crap this week because I am sick again. yes...AGAIN. I think its a combo of the lack of sleep, working retail, and my kids being in school and they are sick now too. We are just surrounded by germs so I guess its bound to happen.

Im still taking naps daily. I am awake for maybe 2 hours in the morning before I am passed out on the couch for 1-1 1/2 hours. Of course I am constantly being woke up by the kids but its still a nice and much needed nap. It gets me through until right after dinner where I am dead to the world again.

The baby is moving a ton now. still not alot that I am able to catch with my hands. the movement usually happens when I am busy driving, or doing something that I cant just hold my stomach. So far by the time I go to bed, the baby is already settled down so I don't have to be kept awake by crazy movements. Im sure give it time.

Yesterday I fell in my slippery driveway. I mostly fell on my hip but it still jarred me enough to get a headache and plenty of braxton hicks for the following hour or so. Me and Jamison were on our way to get the kids from school. Thank God I had already gotten her in the van! She has been really big on me carrying her everywhere. After the school pickup I didnt do much at home that required being on my feet for extended periods of time but then I had to go to work. Didnt take long for me to get quite a bit of cramping and a horrible backache. I felt horrible. luckily it wasnt a busy night so I was able to rest here and there but its definitely something where I wish I was home. I am fine now and the baby is still moving like crazy <3

and finally, here is my 20wk pic...taken yesterday

Just took it from this side to show off some of my ink lol. I dont have any pics of it. I cant wait until summer time so i can wear more short sleeve shirts. spent alot of money on that arm for it to just be covered up for which seems like forever!
Plus the purple and blue symbols stands for homebirth/waterbirth. very fitting

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

19 weeks

Almost half way there already. this is crazyness. I think I pretty much say that every week, but its true! I cant believe in a little over 4 months there will be a baby in the house. I am so not ready! Well physically I am. my newer symptom, well its been going on for a couple weeks now. I cant remember now if I mentioned it, but my bladder is on fire all the time aka I cant stop using the bathroom. I will be fine one minute and literally the next I have to pee so bad I am crossing my legs to gain enough composure to make it to the bathroom. That is NOT fun when I am at work. Hello panty liners. BLAH.
I weighed myself this morning and I am up about 8 pounds since my last appt. Honestly though, aside from eating some delicious peanut butter fudge I havent really splurged. For once I am eating pretty balanced. I know I am not sleeping as much as I could and should so im sure that plays a huge factor. And even though I am peeing alot, I still feel slightly dehydrated so I have a feeling most of this weight gain is water weight which in my past pregnancies that is what happened to me so I am not freaking out.
Aside from baby, I do feel quite bloated and heavy. New belly pics for this week too. Did I mention how much I loathe taking them myself. they look so crappy.

ive been told that I look smaller in these pics than I did a few weeks ago when I was wearing the same shirt. Maybe because in the first pic a few weeks ago I just ate a big lunch so I was really bloated, the pics below I hadnt ate anything in several hours. I feel so tight and bloated everytime I eat so it doesnt surprise me

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Shopping Shopping Shopping!

So I went shopping and picked up a few outfits from Gymboree which was alot of fun. Got AMAZING deals! I will probably still get a few more things but I wont stress too much now. I still have to get a few basics like diapers and probably some gowns for the first few days at least. I like putting them in those for night time. easy diaper changes!
stupid pictures are all jumbled. im not about to fix them. at least I got them uploaded. cant ask for much more.