Friday, March 25, 2011

Little bit of everything/30 weeks

Ive got so much to cover that im just going to put it all in this post.

On March 12th completely out of the blue I get the most intense ringing in my ears along with a bad dizzy spell. I remember I wasnt feeling the greatest and I had to pee so while I was sitting there is when it hit me. I chalked it up at first to not feeling well cause earlier in the week Bennett was sick with the stomach flu and that day I was taking care of Jamison cause she had it too. I thought maybe I was catching it too. Unfortunately I had to work that evening so I put a call in to my midwife to let her know what was going on. I didnt hear from her before I had to leave so I just went to work where it had continued for a couple of hours. It wouldnt be AS intense. the ringing wasnt really there, I just kept having small dizzy spells. Eventually talked to my midwife where she thought I was coming down with something and suggested I go home. Unfortunately I really couldnt go home so I sucked it up and finished my shift.

On March 14th I had my appt with my midwife. I was 28.6 weeks. As she was parking her car outside of my house I had another one of those spells. I hadnt had any more since the 12th and this one was BAD. It was still going on when she walked in. During the appt she took my blood pressure and that was elevated (for me). She tested my sugar and hemoglobin too. My blood sugar was a little low and I was slightly anemic. Nothing to the point where it was alarming, besides my blood pressure. She chalked it up to me possibly coming down with something along with being stressed over that crazy spell I just had.
The babe's heartbeat was 160. She measured me and it was showing I was 3 weeks behind. To be on the safe side she scheduled me for an ultrasound.

March 15th- the ultrasound. Talk about a nerve racking morning! I was feeling so sick from nerves. Luckily everything went great. I held my strength and didnt find out what we are having. Baby was measuring perfectly. the last screen I seen it showed the babe measuring a few days ahead. So it must have been the position the baby was in when I got measured.

Current- Ive been having those dizzy spells/ringing ears several times a week. Its getting annoying. Making things difficult to function. It takes up a good few hours and when all is said and done I just dont feel good so it pretty much ruins the rest of my day.
Typically what happens is I will have 1 bad one, the first one.. After that for a couple of hours I will have mini ones. There will be a small jolt of one of my ears ringing and 1-2 seconds of a dizzy spell. It hits me hard enough to where I will stumble but the "recovery" is quick. Then a few minutes later it will hit me again. I get these just about every other day since.
Yesterday I had a BAD one and then I had the mini ones for 5 HOURS! I was exhausted! Called my midwife right away and I ended up making an appt with a reg. doctor this morning. my midwife still thinks its viral but I dont know. Its been going on for 2 weeks. Aside from that I feel as good as I can for being 30 wks.

So today, I am 30.3 weeks. Nothing really new going on aside from the above.
My weight is flucuating ALOT. I am gaining water weight really bad, but then the next day I lose it all and then some. The other day I had been down 6 pounds from my heaviest. but then the following day it was all back. its craziness.

will update when I get back from the doctor!

This was taken 2 days ago. I seem to look smaller than my pic 2 weeks ago. I dont know what is going on. I dont feel smaller. Maybe its the angle. who knows.

Friday, March 11, 2011

28 weeks

Few days late on posting this. ive been working alot and just have no desire to be on the computer.
Hard to believe that I only have 12 weeks before my due date. Yikes! I am not ready. I still have to get a swing, still have to get a big enough vehicle. Those are really the only *NEEDS* at this point BEFORE the baby gets here.

Ive been retaining water like nobodys business lately. Ive been tracking my weight (go figure!) and its around 3 pounds worth that I flucuate on a daily basis. Sometimes it takes a day or two to come off and the swelling goes down for a little while before I balloon back up. Ive been on my feet alot too with working so much. im surprised im not noticing alot more issues with the feet getting huge.
Last night when I was working out of the blue I start getting really painful cramps. It would come and go but would stop me in my tracks. It the pain was that of a contraction but nothing was tightening up or whatever so I know it wasnt a contraction. Still was unsettling.
So far nothing today, thankfully! Makes me wonder if I will be able to make it to the very end and work at the same time. I have my leave of absense papers filled out, just waiting on my next appt for my midwife to fill out her portion.
I put in for June 1st to be my first official day off. So that means I will be working on my due date if I am still pregnant. If not then I just have to call work to let them know to start my LOA earlier. I get 12 weeks off so that will take me to August 24th :sigh:. I dont want to think about ever returning back to work. We will see what happens. It will obviously all depend on the baby.
My next appt is on Monday...