Monday, February 28, 2011

26 wk appt

Im so behind on life these days. ive got about 5 minutes to write this out before I have to start running around getting kids ready for school.
I had my appt with my midwife this past Thursday. I was 26.2 weeks (today I am 26.6 wks!).
I had a 10lb weight gain since my last appt 5 weeks ago. So again this time I am managing about 2lbs a week :(
Blood pressure was perfect. Babe's heartbeat was 150. I am measuring on track this time. She said last time I was slightly bigger. Typically when I get into the later part of my third trimester is when I start measuring bigger so we'll see. She thinks I will have a smaller baby since I am eating healthier this time around, but with my weight gain who knows.
I had this conversation last night how I am eating a ton better than all my other pregnancies put together and yet this one is by far the worst one. Makes me wonder.
She did a 1 hour finger poke test for my sugar. my lunch consisted of a salad and an apple. About an hour before my lunch I had a snack which was a granola bar. My sugar level was too low which just confirms I still have hypoglycemia. Which also can take an effect on my weight since my metabolism is slower than normal.
My midwife still thinks I have some sort of insulin resistance.
I did a full blood workup last week as well and im not anemic and my thyroid is perfect.
In a way I wish I did have confirmation of having an issue so I knew what was going on. All I can do is keep eating as best as I can and hopefully not gain a ton more. Im looking at close to another 30 lbs if I am doing 2lbs a week. Insanity!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

26 weeks

Last week of the 2nd trimester and 6th month...oh boy! (or girl hehe)

Ive felt like I have gotten bigger, but looking back at pictures it doesnt really seem that way. Something is going on though cause in the last 1-2 weeks its getting harder to breath. its a nice big struggle. Its not my most favorite feeling.
Weight gain has seemed to stall which is a GOOD thing. from my calculations its been about 11-12 pounds since my last appt 5 weeks ago :(
I have an appt this coming Thursday with my midwife so we will see. She sent me last week to do blood work up to check my thyroid and iron levels I believe. She wants me to eat my typical lunch on Thursday and she is going to check my sugar level when she comes to see if I might have gestational diabetes. I hope not, but if I do then at least I know what is causing all this discomfort.
a few days ago when I was at work I felt a painful contraction. I didnt think braxton hicks contractions could be painful but after speaking with some ladies they said they can be painful especially with subsequent pregnancies. Afterwards I was crampy the rest of the evening. Not a good night to be working! I haven't had one since, thankfully! but I am starting to feel some pelvic pressure. baby is still hanging out really low so that doesnt surprise me entirely. I have been feeling some tingling in my pelvic region too. It comes and goes. very strange feeling. Almost feels like my crotch is asleep (like that tingling you get when your leg or arm is asleep, minus the pain that comes with it going back to normal).
Sleeping at night is next to impossible. I have major insomnia this time around. I can't fall asleep easily and if I do I cant stay asleep for very long. the longest stretch I have slept is 2 hours. Any other time I seem to be taking little 20 min, 30 min, 15 min cat naps the rest of the night. its exhausting! Add in at least 1-3 bathroom breaks makes for an eventful evening.

Baby is moving ALOT. Starting to recognize his/hers sleep patterns. Loves to be awake right as I am laying down for bed, or if I wake up in the morning for some reason and I try to get back to sleep, its impossible cause the baby wakes up and starts a party inside.
as I type this he/she is gearing up for some fun lol. Some kicks have started to get painful. I had one last night that made me jump. Not only did it scare me cause it was so powerful but it hurt so bad!

Here is this weeks pic

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

24 weeks

Been a couple weeks since I was able to post. Well not that I wasnt able, I just didnt feel like taking the time to write something down AND take a picture.
I had it in my head everything I was going to write and now I have forgotten. Imagine that. I cant remember anything. I am definitely not a reliable source of information when I am pregnant.
So I have recently been told that I have come to a part in my pregnancy when I become really bitchy. Maybe I have forgotten about my past pregnancies or I didnt really experience it like I do this time, but physically this pregnancy is killing me. It feels way too early to be going through the aches and pains I am feeling. My back is a huge issue, my sciatic nerve gets so bad I start limping. my hips, omg. They ache and the pain is so intense. for example when I am sleeping, I will wake up during the night in so much pain I can barely change positions. at only 24 weeks, is that possible? I thought this was more of a 3rd trimester thing??!?!

I went a few days headache free and was feeling good in that area and now they are back. for the past 3 days it comes and goes, each time getting worse. when I get a headache it makes me so tired and I cant ever recoup from it so I have been walking around like a zombie since naps are not in my daily plans anymore unfortunately.

Tonight, as I was getting a shower I started to think to myself...where did my vagina go? Its missing! Well im sure its there, but I can't see it. I can barely reach it! I read that the hair on your legs grow much slower during this part of your pregnancy, well why cant that ring true for the rest of my body? That way I wouldnt have to worry about my vagina anyway! See before I could manuever my belly in order to make things pretty down there, as of late there is no manuevering anything. Its just touch and groom, touch and groom in hopes of getting everything. I was thinking maybe I should go get a bikini wax, but that is even less appealing than "going in blind" so to say. Right now I will stay grateful that I can still at least reach it. There will come a point soon enough where my fingertips will be on the razor and it will be on its own lol

I bought some cute maternity clothes at old navy. big mistake! looked cute on the website. Then my fat ass tried them on and they were not so cute after all. Out of the 5 things I bought, I am keeping 1 thing in hopes of it working out. And dont you know, everything else is return by mail only. POS! I just feel like a beached whale. nothing looks good. All my clothes seem to "hug" the wrong curves so I just look rolley polley (sp?)

Well thats it for now, I am tired so off to bed even though its not even 11pm

Here is a pic I took tonight, the last week I have felt alot bigger/fuller than before. blah